7 February 2025

Phil Parramore is Chair at Community Gateway Housing Association. He spoke to us about his experiences with the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and why he's looking forward to Board Leadership.

1. What positive outcomes have you seen for you and your residents following the implementation on the Tenant Satisfaction Measures?

We recognise that it is relatively early days following the introduction of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and their value will take some time to bed in. The focus on key safety measures, specifically the property compliance measures, has correctly ensured a strong focus on the safety and quality of homes – with tenants and residents benefiting from that.

The move to more regular surveying of tenants and having “live” feedback of satisfaction levels is beginning to provide a better level of understanding of where our service delivery is performing well. Conversely, where our approach is perhaps not having the desired impact, our better understanding of these areas is therefore contributing to a more flexible and nimble decision-making culture, along with more informed communication strategies.

The introduction of the measures allows tenants to compare service performance with that of other sector organisations, should they be inclined to do so. As well as giving sector organisations tools to contextualise performance, for example to explain to tenants that service deficiencies can be caused by sector-wide issues, rather than be unique to their own housing provider.

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2. As Chair and a Community Gateway Association resident how are the objectives of the consumer standards being met?

The newly implemented Consumer Standards continue to provide Community Gateway Association with a clear focus on what we want to deliver for our tenants. Many of the intended outcomes contained within the consumer standards are already ingrained into our corporate plan. This includes a real focus on safety, providing our tenants with well-maintained and safe homes.

Our company Values and Supporting Behaviours Framework also aligns very well with the Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard. We listen to our tenants, using many different methods and channels, involve them in decision-making, and importantly treat them with respect.

Board accountability around the TSMs

The move to more regular surveying of tenants and having “live” feedback of satisfaction levels is beginning to provide a better level of understanding of where our service delivery is performing well.

That said, we are never complacent – we ensure that our governance and reporting arrangements provide the necessary oversight and assurance around compliance, and we are continuously seeking to strengthen an already good system still further. This is evidenced by tenant-led workgroups looking at specific standards, board sessions considering each of the new standards and our compliance with them, alongside where we may need to redouble our efforts to achieve the intended outcomes.

3. What are you looking forward to most at the Board Leadership Conference?

The Board Leadership Conference provides me with the chance to meet up with sector colleagues from a wide range of organisations, of varying sizes and complexities. It’s a great chance to learn about current sector developments, the risks and challenges, and sharing good practice. I am really looking forward to meeting many of you there, and learning from you.

Phil is speaking on day one of Board Leadership in our Regulatory Insights breakout sesssion.

Phil Parramore

Chair, Community Gateway Housing Association

Board member for five years, after becoming an involved tenant in 2017, Phil also previously chaired the Tenants’ Committee, Gateway Central, and sat on the “Let’s Talk Engagement” Steering Group, which was integral to enhancing and varying the ways in which tenants and residents could communicate and get involved. All helping to enable continuous improvement in services. Phil is a Patron of The Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Support Group and managing director of Plan-It ESG, a business and training consultancy providing business coaching and planning and project management support across a range of Environmental, Social Value and Governance themes.

Board accountability around the TSMs